DevOps & Software factory
Open source is a leader on DevOps topic, with solutions covering all the pipeline of software factory and its automatization, including source code management with SVN or Github, cloud environments with OpenStack, Docker or AWS, automatized deployment Ansible, Chef or Puppet. Our experts can deliver consulting, design, and realize the best architecture for your needs.
Collaborative messaging
Zimbra and BlueMind provide for management of both email functions and collaborative aspects, via shared calendars and files. Suitable for any structure, with advanced archive management and hosted at Smile’s or the client’s site, these solutions are compatible with almost all web browsers and e-mail clients such as Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird and others.

The proposed solutions will meet all your virtualization needs (scalability, backups, hot migrations and resource management), based on KVM, XEN and OpenVZ bricks built on high availability storage architectures. Smile also integrates the turnkey solution Proxmox, whose modularity makes it possible to adapt to different sizes of infrastructure.