Benefits of Liferay
The Gartner in its Magic Quadrant for Horizontal Portals report recognizes Liferay as one of the industry leaders for seven years running starting from 2011. Corporate portals of such companies as Cisco, Adidas Group, HP, T-Mobile, Airbus, Raiffeisen Bank and NASA are all Liferay-based. To date, the platform had been installed in more than 400 different organizations around the world.
Liferay is chosen for its range of capabilities, flexibility, ease of scaling, reliability and security. This is a truly leading solution that can effectively optimize your business processes.
Liferay provides a number of usefull and important features:
- A large selection of applications for any needs.
- Flexible access control policy.
- Ease of use.
- Reliable protection from third-party interference.
- Ability to implement individually created applications.
So today, Liferay is one of the best solutions for building a modern corporate portal.
We will gladly answer all your questions regarding the possibilities of Liferay.